Our Nominating Committee comprises Andrew Mak, Hew Koon Chan and Tan Hwee Kiong. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee is Andrew Mak.

The Nominating Committee is responsible for the following:-

  1. to make recommendations to the Board on all board appointments, including re-nominations, having regard to the Director's contribution and performance (for example, attendance, preparedness, participation and candour);

  2. to determine annually whether or not a Director is independent;

  3. in respect of a Director who has multiple board representations on various companies, to decide whether or not such Director is able to and has been adequately carrying out his/her duties as Director, having regard to the competing time commitments that are faced when serving on multiple boards;

  4. to decide how the Board's performance may be evaluated and propose objective performance criteria, as approved by the Board that allows comparison with its industry peers, and address how the Board has enhanced long term shareholders' value; and

  5. to assess the performance of the Board and contribution of each Director to the effectiveness of the Board.

Each member of the Nominating Committee shall abstain from voting on any resolution relating to the assessment of his performance or his re-nomination as Director.